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This event is part of the industry program for TIFF 2025.

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Claim your attendence here!

Xn konferansen er et møtested og en arena for påfyll av kunnskap og inspirasjon for alle som jobber innen kreative næringer.
Xn TIFF har et ekstra fokus rettet mot filmbransjen, men presenterer nye trender, visjoner og konkrete erfaringer som skal treffe alle aktører innen hele det kreative og kunstneriske feltet. Konferansen arrangeres av TIFF i samarbeid med Innovasjon Norge Arktis.

Mer info om konferansen og Industry akkreditering finner du her: Filmbransje - Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival


The conference will function as a meeting place and give new knowledge and inspiration to people working in creative industries.
Xn TIFF has an extra focus on the film industry, but will present new trends, visions and concrete experiences that will hit all actors in the creative and artistic field. The conference is hosted by TIFF and Innovation Norway Arctic.

More info about the conference and festival accreditation here: Industry - Tromsø International Film Festival

This event is free for participants with festival accreditation. You will still have to claim your ticket.

Learn more and buy your accreditation here!